Now this place is a real treat, the ‘Mayfield Lavender Farm‘ in Banstead UK, some friends of mine took here for my birthday and what a great idea it was! I think I could just camp out over night here if possible and snap away all day drinking home-made lavender lemonade & munching on hot dogs! everyone should check this place out at least once, here’s the place seen through my lens and also a video that I edited and filmed by my buddy Elliot Hastings, all credit due! and talking of credit, if the lovely photogenic lady who let me try out my portrait shooting skills on her is viewing this could you drop me an email at my contact page with your name (I have a memory like a sieve sometimes :p) and I can send you these great shots of you.
A colourful day out amongst the purples! enjoy the photos? let me know what you think in the comment section below