The first thing that sprung to mind upon arrival at the top of Beachy Head in Eastbourne, apart from the sheer awesome drop, was that of the final scene in the Modtastic ‘Quadrophenia‘ where Jimmy discovers to his horror that his idol, Ace Face, is in reality a lowly bellboy at a Brighton hotel, steals his scooter and sends it on an irreparable trip off the cliffs (check it out on YouTube here). This place really is awesome to view first hand, it’s just gigantic! it puts you on edge just looking over the edge! I was amazed and confused at the same time to see German tourists dangling there legs of the cliff, as if they were sitting on a swing, taking selfies and proving to there buddies how brave they were. All it takes is one bit of chalk to crumble away and… well, just look at the Lighthouse below the cliffs, about as tall as a house, and then look how high the cliffs go ~you get the picture.
Needless to say it’s not all beauty at Beachy Head, it’s been a notorious suicide spot since the 7th century and apparently is the number six suicide spot in the world, with a 530ft straight drop to the rocks below at one point and with no fencing or barriers to stop someone jumping off it’s not that surprising really. Standing near the edge on a beautiful calm & sunny day can definitely get you wondering what would make someone want to jump to their certain death from that great height? what if you changed your mind in the six seconds it takes to reach the bottom?
As your see in the photos below I got lucky when snapping away with my Samyang fisheye lens on, and caught two young folks thoughtfully touching hands whilst sitting near the edge of the cliff! also taking a wander in some fields behind the cliffs I noticed a colourful insect doing his thing on a spiky plant, he got his five mins of fame below too. The last photo here is of Eastbourne and the pier taken from Beachy Head, it took a tripod and 150mm zoom to get that close and gives enough detail of the town I think, as ever enjoy the photos and any comments/shares welcome ~ have you been there? what did you think?

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