Hot off the heels of my last Fully Loaded Cycle Tour in South Wales, and with barely a month just gone by, I was on to my next Cycle Tour in Brittany, North West France. As I didn’t have much time to plan & organise this trip I thought I would take a ‘go where the wind takes me‘ attitude as far as the camping bit goes and find sites along the way (I only had my last night’s campsite stay booked in so I didn’t miss my boat going back!) and after some research I found a great book which details the great ‘Green Ways‘ cycle routes around Brittany titled ‘Brittany’s Green Ways‘ published by Red Dog Books (see photo below) – I took the V2 cycle route from St-Malo to Rennes with a impromptu side trip going along the v4 route on the first day to see the abbey at Mont-Saint-Michel. Now I could chat away for ages about this trip, the weather was amazing, the overnight ferry, miles of off road cycle paths, the food… ahh.. it was like a holiday mixed in with cycle touring – just plain brilliant, but without further ado, here are the photos! 🙂
Map of the Green Ways routes in Brittany, France. I took the velo 2 to Rennes & part of velo 4 to Le mont-Saint-Michel – click map to see a bigger view.
Brittany’s Green Ways Book by Red Dog Books