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I can’t pinpoint the exact time I first heard about the Hellfire Club & the Caves but it was mentioned in a YouTube documentary on black magic I watched a few years ago and ever since I’ve had a visit to this place lined up in my bucket list. I think the allure to this place is just that – the eerie black magic myths that went on in these hand dugout caves situated in the quaint little town of West Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, Southeast England, and the tale of the Dashwood family particularly Francis Dashwood the eccentric 11th Baron le Despencer who founded the Dilettanti Society and was the co-founder of the Hellfire Club, whose meetings and strange goings-on were held in these very caves!
I managed to visit the caves in late summer of 2019 and got these photo’s – there’s a lot to tell about the whole site of the Hellfire Caves, the Mausoleum, St Lawrence’s Church (of which the caves lie 300 feet directly under!) & National Trust’s property West Wycombe Park, too much to include here so I refer you over to the official Hellfire website here and a ‘Most Haunted’ documentary here.
As ever enjoy the photos!