Australia & Thailand Trip 2004 ~ Part Two

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Continuing on from the last blog post this is ‘Part Two‘ of my trip to Australia & Thailand, after a lot of skating and schooner’s in Melbourne we said goodbye to our digs at Rob’s house and got the day long train to Sydney, really enjoyed that journey on the train as you got to see more of the suburbs on the way from a comfy seat! and then arriving at Sydney’s Central Railway Station we booked into quite a shabby hostel (think bugs and no air-con) but after a few days of that I got a room in the YMCA hotel (yes, own room with key card!) whilst my travelling buddy Simon left for Byron Bay.

Sydney Photo Slider One

(Note: The image sliders above & below might take a few seconds to load on a slow internet connection as there’s about 60 images to view, and especially on mobile devices, but you know what they say ~ patience is a virtue and all that business..)

The day trip out to the Blue Mountains was another highlight of the trip, remember going over this weak closed-off barrier to a cliff hang with some other tourists and what a drop I saw! hundreds of feet up ~ enough to give you vertigo, was a bit like going on the Skyway that your see in these photos below…

Sydney Photo Slider Two

When I came back from Australia I made a kinda montage video of the trip, here’s the Blue Mountains section and you can see that I was one of the last to go on the old Skyway across the mountain gorges, felt very privileged indeed!

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