GOJY Photos Published in Concerto Newspaper

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It’s not often that you find something interesting arrive in the post so you can imagine my surprise when in amongst the pizza delivery flyers and garden services business cards I saw an A4 sized package with my address handwritten on it, intrigued I opened it to find a copy of the Concerto newspaper with a thank you card, puzzled at first to what I was being thanked for it then became clear..

About a month ago I was contacted by a Concerto Group marketing manager who had seen my photos of Gods Own Junkyard exhibition online and wondered if they could use a couple of them in their publication,  I liked the idea and sent them the correct hi-res versions thinking maybe they we use them/maybe not, low and behold here they are! very chuffed to see them in the newspaper print, look really good!

My two photos featured & credited in Concerto under The Artillery Garden at The Hac
Gods Own Junkyard Neon Exhibition
This is one of my favourite ones from the set, the bulb is nice & crisp in focus ~ glad they used this one!


Gods Own Junkyard Neon Exhibition
The dollar sign at Gods Own Junkyard

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