Shanghai: The Pudong lit up at night – spot the 'Blade Runner' backdrop on one of those skyscrapers.
Shanghai: After editing this colorful photo I noticed something strange in it - can you see what it is?
Shanghai: Delivered straight to your hotel room.
Shanghai: Ear wax removal whilst waiting for your favourite kitchen knives get a sharpening – you can get it all in Shanghai!
Shanghai: The beautiful Yu Garden Tea House with the Oriental Pearl TV Tower in the distance.
Shanghai: My first experience of the ‘selfie stick’, when I got back to England this phenomenon seemed to follow me…
Shanghai: Hole in the wall of Yu Garden – great entrance!
Shanghai: The symbol of China – the red lanten, all different shapes and sizes at this stall.
Shanghai: The ‘Bottle Opener’ building towering above at night.
Snapped this from the train window en route from Shanghai to Beijing – caught the big coal power plant billowing smoke away.
Beijing: Can you imagine someone driving that down the M4?!
Beijing: A town called…
Beijing: Taken at the Chinese equivalent of a truckstop - here’s me (sporting the very latest Casio watch) enjoying lunch with my cab driver before climbing the Great Wall.
Beijing: The Great Wall of China, Mutianyu, in the distance just a few steps and a cable car away…
Beijing: Sign at the entrance to the Temple of Heaven Park, I like this colour!
Beijing: Blowing off some groovy Saturday sax in the park.
Beijing: The long walkway up to the The Hall of Prayer – lot’s of activities going on around here!
Beijing: Chinese game that is no doubt older than it’s owner!
Beijing: The Temple of Heaven, just gotta love this girls jumper & glasses in photo!
Beijing: Shiny green dragon tiles at The Temple of Heaven
Beijing: ‘This is more fun than an iPhone Mum…’
Beijing: Black squirrels playing in the park.
Beijing: Advertisement for some kind of health pill supplement – looks like the staff weren’t so impressed…
Beijing: Dragon boat on the lake at Beihai Park.
Beijing: A monk, a guard & chairman Mao…
Beijing: Taken from the Forbidden City, that temple on the hill is the spot where I took a photo of the whole of the Forbidden City!
Beijing: This tree in situated the Forbidden City is around 500 years old!
Beijing: Smoking is more than a national pastime in China.
Beijing: Strange fruit.
Beijing: What was I saying about smoking… oh yeah...