The Bund waterfront in Shanghai
Big tanker floats down Huangpu River
The People's Heroes Memorial at The Bund
Model posing for me at The Bund
Still moment in Shanghai, the Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower in the background
The Tea Ceremony - think I sampled about 30 different tea's here!
This is the view from inside the strange cable car ride of the Bund Sightseeing Tunnel, the quickest way to cross the river underground!
Model of The Bund, Shanghai
The view at night from the Shanghai World Financial Center (or as it's affectionately known, the bottle opener!)
View from the Shanghai World Financial Center from Mark Carnaby on Vimeo.
The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower lit up at night
Preparations for the Chinese New Year in the form of a light and sound show displayed on the Oriental Pearl Tower
Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower Show from Mark Carnaby on Vimeo.
Little snippet of the light and sound show mentioned above - to get a sense of the scale of this check out the tiny people below watching it!
The Old Town, Nanshi in Shanghai
Tea House in The Old Town - notice the modern skyscraper under construction in the back? that's going to be one of the biggest in the world, the Shanghai Tower at 2,073 feet!
Think this guy was selling lottery tickets
Not sure what this kind of board game is called but I like the timing of this shot!
Dumplings! with a straw!
This take away was so popular there was a queue going down the alley - I snapped this one through the kitchen window, like how the women are throwing money are frantically waving there money to get the food!
A peaceful moment in Yu Yuan Garden
Detail of one of the roof tops in Yu Yuan Garden
This dragon sculpture spanned a whole wall - like the white teeth!
Some unusual choices for packs of cards!
Can you spot what this guy is doing? clue: look at whats in his hands
Fast food restaurant sign - I saw a quite a few of these, think they are like a Chinese Mc Donalds with a mascot who would kick Ronald's arse!
B&W of a bridge that felt like it could have been snapped in New York!
Cool sculpture outside Louis Vuitton, this took a while to get the sculpture colours right in post processing
The Bund at night - the geisha on the building, you can see where Ridley Scott got his ideas for the film Blade Runner from!
I 'heart' Shanghai
Lit up boat floats by on the Huangpu River, the TV Tower & bottle opener also light up the background