Cockpit Entrance The Hovercraft Museum in Lee-on-the-Solent, Gosport
The Hovercraft Museum plaque
The SR-N4 - The Princess Anne, the largest passenger hovercraft ever built and designed to carry 254 passengers, 30 cars
Docking bay of the SR-N4 - The-Princess-Anne
SR-N4 - The Princess Anne Hovercraft diagram poster
Three Men In a Skirt Hovercraft Scrapheap Challenge
Two Hoverhawk HA5's sitting in the cargo bay of the The Princess Anne
Front passenger seating inside the SR N4 – The Princess Anne
Crew area inside the SR N4 – The Princess Anne
Cabin crew communications inside the SR N4 – The Princess Anne
Passenger seating inside the SR N4 – The Princess Anne
Passenger oxygen mask drop down panel inside the SR N4 – The Princess Anne
Looking out the windows from inside the SR N4 – The Princess Anne
Seaspeed Hovercraft poster advertisement
Hoverlloyd Hovercraft poster advertisement
Seaspeed Dover to France Hovercraft poster advertisement
Intercity Europe Hovercraft poster advertisement
Hoverlloyd Calais to Ramsgate Hovercraft poster advertisement
The width of the The SR N4 – The Princess Anne
Front view of the SR N6 Super 6 Hovercraft
Side view of the SR N6 Super 6 Hovercraft
Loading bar of a military converted Hovercraft
Huge propeller duct