My first experience with taking photos started back in 1998, I remember buying a couple of disposable cameras (with flash) for use on a InterRail journey around Europe, I didn’t really have a clue what I was doing, and ended up with a dozen or so snapshots of the wrong sides of historic buildings & beer glasses. Nonetheless documenting my trip by use of a camera struck a cord with me then and I’ve always taken one with me ever since. After using a variety of point & shoot’s I invested in a Micro Four Thirds camera, an Olympus PEN I brought second hand whilst on a trip in Japan (Needed something semi decent for that place!) which has  been by weapon of choice since, add in a couple of lens additions ~ a pancake and an extra zoom, and that’s what the majority of photos taken on this website have been taken with. (Note: I’ve since upgraded to a PEN EPL-5 and later to the epic OM-D E-M1 plus a new edition to my lenses, the excellent 12-40mm Olympus Pro zoom)

When it comes to ‘what kinda shooting do you do? portraits, landscapes, wildlife, street etc.’ well I’m a bit of an all-rounder, if I see something interesting and I like it, I’ll try and snap it. Travel photography is a biggie for me, love visiting new places and checking out unusual buildings & structures, it’s one thing to see a place on the gogglebox (think travel documentaries, Micheal Palin & Charley Boorman being my most favourites)  but to actually stand in front of a great building and admire it in the flesh so to speak, well that really is something else. I thoroughly enjoy the whole travelling experience, arriving at the airport and being able to boarding a silver capsule to whisk you off to a foreign land is pretty magical to me.

Living near one of Britain’s most beautiful open spaces, Richmond Park, affords me the luxury of snappin’ the local wildlife, foliage & sunsets of which your find a dedicated section on this site, and also a different kind of wildlife altogether, London Town, of which there’s plenty of things to snap day & night in the urban jungle, again a special section dedicated to that too.

Lastly your find a selection of photos from events I’ve been to in and around my home country of England, when time and money permit of course, overall I hope you enjoy the photos and the work that goes into them getting them presentable (Post-processing ~ the bain of every photographer) and if your interested to know more, even purchase a print for online use or have a canvas made (I have one of my own here, they look rather good hanging from the wall) please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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