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Originally I had planned a cycling & camping trip to Northern France in the spring of 2020, with overnight ferry crossings booked & paid for, but that was before the Covid crisis arrived in April and everything went up in the air. After a lot of swapping dates and changing ferry companies it started to look like the France trip wasn’t going to happen so I started planning a trip to see a magnificent structure that is celebrated as a symbol of the Great Industrial Revolution circa. 1760 to 1820, The Iron Bridge in Coalbrookdale, Telford, England.
Also nearby the bridge is the Blists Hill Victorian Town which being in the heart of the industrial region of Coalbrookdale & Telford is chocked full of history from the time of steam & coal!
My trip coincided with one of the worst storms in Telford’s history! and as you will see in the photos my tent just about survived a scary couple of nights under the rain & thunder!
As always, enjoy the photos!!