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37 Photos/ 3 Videos
Tokyo, Japan
These 18 new galleries are a combination of a month and a half’s work of whittling down & post-processing around 5000 photos that I took on this dream trip to Japan in November 2017 down to 561, many late nights & tired eyeballs, 5 months planning & preparation for the actual trip (no package holiday tours here!), raising the funds, praying everyday that war wouldn’t break out in Korea, surviving two crazy long flights on zero sleep, navigating around the Japanese cities of Kyoto, Nara, Osaka, Tokyo & Hiroshima, getting up crazy early to get to some of these places before the hoards of mostly Chinese tourists arrive and generally walking & hiking until I couldn’t feel my feet anymore! I present to you ‘Me, Myself and Japan 2017 Trip!’ (and my camera of course… ;] )