The Patio de Comares in the Palacio's Nazaries - probably one of the most famous photographed scenes in Spain, here's my take
A cat popped out for a drink - the crowds went wild! snap snap snap...
Detail of arabesques
Walking down the corridors and imagining what it must have been like when the Sultan of Granada lived here...
Hall of the Ambassadors
Ceiling of the Hall of the Ambassadors
The other end of the Patio de Comares
Looking into the The Court of the Lions - the white marble and water features around this courtyard are spectacular!
The Court of the Lions and the Fountain of the Lions - words alone can not do the justice.
The Fountain of the Lions - each hour one lion would produce water from its mouth!
Detail of arabesques
Detail of The Court of the Lions
Detail of Islamic calligraphy on the walls inside the buildings of the Court of the Lions
"Honeycomb," "stalactite," or "moçárabe" vaulting in the Hall of the Abencerrajes
Again, I find myself imaging the people of the past walking around this room, the Torre de Comares, and admiring the view of Granada city
Looking out into Granada city from a walkway in Palacios Nazaries
Mirador de Daraxa
Beautiful fountain in the Mirador de Daraxa
Looking at El Partal over the garden ponds
The El Partal - breathtaking!