Bridge spotted on a stop off to the Great Wall
The Great Wall in Mutianyu, Beijing
View from Jingshan Park, Beijing
Temple of Heaven Singer, Beijing
Dancer in Summer Palace, Beijing from Mark Carnaby on Vimeo.
Wedding model, Temple of Heaven, Beijing
Ancient buildings, Summer Palace, Beijing
Temple in the Summer Palace, Beijing
Tower of the Fragrance of Buddha, Summer Palace, Beijing
Hotel building just outside the Summer Palace, Beijing
Pair of worn shoes, Hutong area, Beijing
Courtyard residences, Hutong area, Beijing
Demolishing of the Hutongs, Beijing
Front doors, Hutong area, Beijing
Custom scooter, Hutong area, Beijing
Photographer wall mural, Hutong area, Beijing
Disused railway, 798 Art Zone, Beijing
Gorilla family sculpture, 798 Art Zone, Beijing
Flower sculpture lit up at night, Beijing
Traffic at night, Dongcheng, Beijing
View from my plane coming into Shanghai
Sunrise over Pudong, Shanghai
Workers in Yu Garden, Shanghai
Ancient building in Yu Garden, Shanghai
Ferry at night, Pudong, Shanghai