Entrance to the Terracotta Warriors and Horses (and the ticket too)
The awe-inspiring entrance to Pit one - hard to take photos in here as there's only small bits of natural light coming through the roof, this one I took with my fisheye lens and a lot of post-processing after!
Close up of the individual Warriors - every single one has a different facial expression, more than 6,000 of them!
All the Warriors face the tomb of the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang
A Terracotta Warrior in B&W
Poster showing the amount of work that goes into piecing the warriors together
A finished Terracotta Warrior
The Terracotta Army lined up
Pit two, notice how it has been carefully dug out and there's still much more undiscovered artifacts around this whole area!
The bronze chariot for the emperor
Walking around Xi'an and I spot this colurful temple, just about to get a shot and in a stroke of luck this girl rides past it - snap snap!
TV's for sale
Mahjong - the staple diet for the Chinese!
The City Wall of Xi'an - and just how does this guy balance all those boxes on there?!
Loved this day! riding around the City Wall of Xi'an
You can even hire tandems!
Xian City Wall Bike Ride from Mark Carnaby on Vimeo.
Here's a taster of riding around the 14 square kilometres of the City Wall - I met someone who runs around it everyday, no sweat!
View from the wall
Dusk at the City Wall - like the lanterns lit up, nice touch!
One of the corner towers on the wall, lit up at night
Another shot of the wall, me leaning over this time to show the wall light decorations
Shopping centre in Xi'an