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During the autumn of 2020 I made a short trip for 5 days over to the city of Rome, Italy. At the time, due to the covid pandemic, flights and hotels were pretty cheap as tourism was virtually nonexistent in mainland Europe, Italy was one of the few places you could travel to with precaution and I must add everything went really smooth once I was there! temperature checks were in place at all attractions and masks were worn in public places during the day, everything felt safe and clean.
I had pre-booked tickets to some of the places I wanted to visit and in the end the trip turned out to be a kind of ‘historic Rome’ sightseeing tour! Italy on a whole is a fascinating place and Rome is like the centre hub of it all! this was not my first visit to Rome (check out the photos from that trip here) and as usual I can thoroughly recommend it – enjoy the photos! 🙂