Elaborate water fountain that sits above a huge underground shopping mall in Tianfu Square, Chengdu
Soviet era style structure in Tianfu Square, Chengdu
'City with World fame' pillar outside the Sichuan Science and Technology Museum
Huge stone statue of Chairman Mao outside the Sichuan Science and Technology Museum
Mobile phone shop character
Cardboard collectors bike overload
Inside the IFS building/shopping mall
One of the many shopping arcades in Chengdu
Modern shopping arcade Chengdu
Some of the older housing apartments in downtown Chengdu
Wet market in downtown Chengdu
Another example of the older housing apartments that will more than likely be knocked down to make way for modern ones, downtown Chengdu
Modern housing apartments in downtown Chengdu
The metro in Chengdu was till very modern when I was there in 2014, in fact Line 1 was only just opened in September 2010
This is Jinli Street, Chengdu, a livley market with buildings designed in the Qing Dynasty style
The colorful Jinli Street - this spot is near the centre and is surrounded with lots of small stalls and restaurants
The 'Dicos' fast food restaurant chain - if you've been around China you would have surely seen one of these! Jinli Street, Chengdu
A plaque showing the traditional food making of China, Jinli Street, Chengdu
The wide variety of 'fast-food' snacks (definitely see some octopus in there) on sticks availiable in Jinli Street, Chengdu
Colorful Chinese lanterns lit up at night in Jinli Street, Chengdu
Bakkwa shop - a Chinese salty-sweet dried meat product similar to jerky, downtown Chengdu
Hotel model in a hotel lobby, downtown Chengdu
Street decoration, downtown Chengdu
KTV (Karaoke television) building lit up at night, downtown Chengdu