Walking along the beautiful wooden decking (notice how the water flows underneath it) that is set out throughout Jiuzhaigou National Park, China
Information sign on the Pearl Shoal waterfull in Jiuzhaigou National Park, China
The Pearl Shoal waterfull in Jiuzhaigou National Park, China. With a widht of 533 ft and a drop of 130 ft, it's truly spectacular to see
Close up of the Pearl Shoal waterfull in Jiuzhaigou National Park, China
Further down the path from the Arrow Bamboo Lake Waterfall, the water still flows fast!
Traversing the wooden decking path that covers the walking areas of multi-level Jiuzhaigou National Park, China
The stunning multi-level Panda Waterfall in Jiuzhaigou National Park, China
On the decking of Panda Waterfull - you can just imagine the sounds of those waterfulls!
Futher on down the multi-level Panda Waterfall in Jiuzhaigou National Park, China
Information sign for the Arrow Bamboo Lake Waterfall in Jiuzhaigou National Park, China
The Arrow Bamboo Lake Waterfall in Jiuzhaigou National Park, China. Not such as impressive drop as some of the others in the park but it has it own charm!
The Arrow Bamboo Lake Waterfall set amongst the mountains in Jiuzhaigou National Park, China
Water will always find a path to flow through...
Watch your step
The beautiful and tranquil walking path in Jiuzhaigou National Park, China
Crossing the lake paths as I come towards the end of day at Jiuzhaigou National Park, China.
On the decking of Nuorilang Waterfall in Jiuzhaigou National Park, China. At 980 ft wide and with a drop of 65 ft it's quite a sight to see. Unfortunately this iconic waterfull has been reduced to mud after the earthquake of 2017
The Nuorilang Waterfall in Jiuzhaigou National Park, China.
One thing about being up in these mountains was the high altitude and cold, I didn't have the warmest clothing and at this point I had finished walking around the whole park - excuse the cheesy selfie here in front of the Nuorilang Waterfall ;)
The village of Jiuzhaigou at night. I particularly like the street lamp designs they have dotted around the area
Some of the few shops and restaurants they have in the village of Jiuzhaigou
Water continously flows through the mountains and the village of Jiuzhaigou, China
One of the more prestigious hotels they have in the village of Jiuzhaigou - and most probably very expensive indeed
Village street bbq in Jiuzhaigou. I'm not too sure what was roasting on the spit here though...
On my last night in Jiuzhaigou, from my hotel balcony I noticed a fireworks display - nice way to end this memorable visit to such a beautiful place!