Taxi ride from Jiuzhaigou airport to Huanglong Valley
Huanglong taxi stop: snowman I spotted
Huanglong taxi stop: animal hides for sale
Huanglong taxi stop: beads and some more hides for sale, or decoration?
Nice group of Malaysians I met at the airport ~ Trisny & crew!
'Good Luck To You All' stone outside Huanglong Valley
Mountain view inside the Huanglong Valley
Strolling past an oxygen break cabin
Huanglong Temple as seen from above
Umbrella's used for the original reasons!
Multi-Colored Pond at the top of Huanglong Valley
Viewing platform at the Multi-Colored Pond
Multi-Colored Pond scenic view, note the Tibetan Buddhist prayer flags in the background and the Huanglong Temple
The facade of the Huanglong Temple
The Chinese crowds coming down from Huanglong's mountains
This strange terrain is made of 'carbonic acid rock' which formed many years ago
The small town I stayed in at Jiuzhaigou Valley
October is holiday time for the Chinese as you can see from the endless traffic!
The entrance to Jiuzhaigou Valley
Lakes so clear that you could almost touch the vegetation under the water
Some moss hanging of a tree, Autumn colours everywhere
A dead tree lies in the coloured water
One of my fav's this, you'd think your looking a national park in America not China!
Walkways through the mountains
A Jagged mountain jut's out of the background
It's all about the reflection in this photo, beautiful!
Wedding model posing in front of one of the many lakes of Jiuzhaigou
One of the Panda Waterfalls in Jiuzhaigou Valley, like the sun shining through the mist in this one
Jiuzhaigou from Mark Carnaby on Vimeo.
Video of above mentioned waterfall
The Pearl Shoal Waterfall, view from the top
The magnificent Pearl Shoal Waterfall! [Buy print]
One of the many smaller waterfalls in the Rize Valley of Jiuzhaigou