Arrival at Lewes railway station c.1889 (from Clapham Junction), only a short hop to my nights stay at Newhaven before taking the ferry to France the next day - and it's pronounced 'Lewis' not 'Lewes' as I was corrected on a few occasions!
As I come out of my Newhaven accommodation I can see the ferry I'm going to be boarding for it's 10am departure! (I can also hear the ferry ticking away in the docks from here)
A short ride from my accommodation is the ferry terminal of DFDS Newhaven Ferry Terminal and there is my Transmanche ferry which will take me to Dieppe, France
As with cars & lorries I leave my bicycle (with the three of the four panniers attached) safely in the hold for the duration of the journey
The roll-on/roll-off ramps are kept open whilst in dock and close when the ship is ready to depart
One of the lifeboats on the Cote D'Albatre - each lifeboat has oars, flares and mirrors for signaling, first aid supplies, and food and water for several days
The ferry I'm on is called the 'Cote D'Albatre' which Maiden's voyage was on the 6th March 2006 and travels from Newhaven to Dieppe in a journey time of 4 hours
The power behind the ferry is a diesel engine to keep us going from a to b!
A great view of the Seven Sisters, Sussex as we leave the British coastline
Chart of the whales, dolphins and porpoises you can see in the English Channel - I didn't see any but then again I wasn't specifically looking this time!
Goodbye Britain!
Arrival in Dieppe harbour
The 'Église Notre-Dame-de-Bonsecours' perched on top of the sea cliffs in Dieppe
Plage de Dieppe (Dieppe beach) as seen from arriving in the harbour
The exact spot where Camille Pissarro painted the harbour of Dieppe - L'avant-port de Dieppe, 1902
The ferris wheel and the harbour in Dieppe
With a few hours to spare before I catch the train down to Vernon I take a cycle tour around the seafront and town of Dieppe
Dieppe was France’s first ever seaside resort - sea-bathing establishments where set up here in 1822
Restaurant at the end of the promenade
The Chateau Musee de Dieppe up on the hilltop and in the bottom corner is the Aquatic centre for swimmers
Plaque to commemorate 'Operation Jubilee' of World War II
Sculpture to commemorate the US Army rangers part in The Raid at Dieppe of World War II 'Operation Jubilee'
Sculpture to commemorate the Essex Scottish Regiments part in The Raid at Dieppe of World War II 'Operation Jubilee'
Information plaque for the previous Essex Scottish Regiment World War II commemorate sculpture
14th Army Tank Regiment World War II commemorate sculpture
Le Café des Tribunaux c.1903
Statue of Abraham Duquesne, marquis du Bouchet a French naval officer born in 1610, Dieppe
One of original post boxes France's postal service company "La Poste" - with added street art!
World War II memorial to commemorate the residents of Dieppe who lost their lives throughout the war
This lovely old street sign I spotted here in Dieppe sums up the journey I'm about to take!
Up the Seine without a Paddle 4K (click on the picture to play)