Information plaque on the Villa-d'Este which was commissioned by Cardinal Ippolito II d'Este (1509–1572) and is a Unesco World Heritage site
The Fountain of Venus in the courtyard which stands unchanged from when the villa finished initial construction c.1572 - Villa-d'Este
The Courtyard of the Villa-d'Este
The private chapel of the Cardinal - Villa-d'Este
Inside the apartments of the Cardinal - Villa-d'Este
Looking out of one of the Cardinals apartments windows in the villa, the Rometta fountain and the Cenacolo towards the left of the photo - Villa-d'Este
Another window view from the villa with the gardens below and the Fountain of the Tripod - Villa-d'Este
View of Tivoli from the villa and spire of Tivoli Cathedral in the center - Villa-d'Este
View of Tivoli from the villa and the old houses of Tivoli - Villa-d'Este
Abandoned building as seen from the villa - Villa-d'Este
The Cardinals terrace and view from the villa - Villa-d'Este
A corridor in the lower floor, notice the ceiling decoration using the same materials as used to make the garden grottos and fountains - Villa-d'Este
The next few photos are of the floor below the Cardinals personal apartments in the villa and each room is covered with frescos designed to resemble tapestries, this first one is called 'The Hall of Noah' - Villa-d'Este
Hall of Apollo - Villa d'Este
Hall of the Fountain - Villa d'Este
Hall of the Fountain - Villa d'Este
Hall of the Fountain - Villa d'Este
Hall of Hercules - Villa d'Este
Hall of Hercules - Villa d'Este
The Hall of the Hunt - Villa-d'Este
The Hall of the Hunt - Villa-d'Este
The terrace and villa - Villa-d'Este
The gardens and the Fountain of the Bicchierone, seen from the Terrace - Villa-d'Este
The Cenacolo - Villa-d'Este
Fresh lemons - Villa-d'Este
Fresh limes - Villa-d'Este
The countryside view from the south terrace which has the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in the distance, it was the Cardinal's wish to become the Pope - Villa-d'Este