Junta De Andalucía Consejería De Cultura - a local government office but more importantly, a great bit of brutalist architecture!
The 'Guadalmedina' is a river (now a river bed) that runs through the city of Malaga, historically it has divided the city in two halves
Brilliant murals on the side of this housing block
Now that the 'Guadalmedina' river bed is dry it's turned into a bit of a graffiti wall of fame
Young & hip longboarder hits the Malaga streets
Looks like this lovely old Spanish building is up for demolition or renovation
Hey kermy...
Great graffiti on the side of this old building - big up Open Source!
Pure Swag
Awesome robot graf
Like the angle I got here, the colours pop out nicely
There's some outstanding street art in Malaga city, this is one of my favourites!
The Mercado Central de Atarazanas - Malaga's favourite indoor market
Abanico de Feria - a fan shaped pastry
Traditional Spanish churros - these got dipped into that coffee, oh yes...
If you look closely you can see the 'Capirote' pointed hats which are part of the brotherhoods in Spain
Another nice bit of wall art on the back of a school yard
The famous skate spot in Malaga! down by the port
Momument to the poet and journalist Salvador Rueda Santos in the wonderful Parque de Málaga
Parque de Málaga - Malaga Park is a beautiful spot and one of my favourites in the whole of Spain, all assortments of palm trees line this walkway along the harbour of Malaga
One of the statues and fountains you can see in Malaga Park
Hotel situated by the beach of Playa la Malagueta
Statue of Antonio Cánovas del Castillo, six terms Spanish Prime Minister
Segway tours of Malaga are very popular
One of my favourite shots of Malaga street life - it's the dusky hazy sunshine mist that makes it...