As I entered Botallack on my bike I noticed things getting foggier and foggier till I could hardly see in front of my own hand! this phenomenon is know as 'Sea Mist' and happens when the cold sea breeze meets the warmer air of the land
I could just make out this aerial antenna in all that mist - luckily it's there or I'd have no phone reception out here!
A calm weathered horse I spotted on my way to my campsite in Botallack
Arrival at my campsite in Botallack and it's a tad misty! got my tent set-up and ready for a camping meal and some well earned rest
You can catch flights to the Isles of Scilly, just 20 minutes from this airport at Land's End
Your's truly taking a break from all the cycling and soaking up the sea air at Sennen Beach!
Breathtaking view of Sennen Beach, just a short bike ride from Land's End
As the sign says, the National Cycle Network starts and finishes here at Land's End!
Arrival at the the most westerly point of mainland Cornwall and England - Land's End!
Penn-An-Wlas - Land's End, tourists have been visiting Land’s End for over three hundred years
The hotel and small shops of Land's End - you can grab a nice Cornish pasty and ice cream here!
This Dalek didn't just wander into Land's End, it was part of a exhibition that run from 2007 to 2011 at Land's End called 'Doctor Who Up Close' and contained numerous props and costumes from the first three series of the programme
In the distance there is the First & Last House, the most westerly point of mainland Britain!
By no means a understatement! as beautiful as it looks watching where you step is the first priority here!
Close-up of the granite cliff tops and the sea at Land's End
Information plaque: A Treacherous Coast - ship wrecks that have happened along the Land's End coast
Information plaque: Cornwall's Backbone
This amazing sight is called Enys Dodnan Arch, it's caused by weathering from the waves over millions of years undercutting the cliff face to form a breakaway island and a arch. I met a very cool young couple from Germany who came all the way over here to hike along the whole of the Land's End Peninsula!
These big chunks of granite cliff date back millions of years and are covered in moss and plant life
In my efforts to walk along Land's End Peninsula as much as possible I could only get so far with my bike (which done a excellent job of getting me this far in a short time), and it ended up waiting at the top of those stairs whilst I went a bit further
The strange structure's of the granite cliffs has been formed over millions of years of waves crashing against them and it's quite a surreal sight to behold! Can you spot the person sitting on the edge of the rock there?
End to Enders - a small museum on the site that highlights the John O'Groat's to Land's End challenges
Just some of the few who have taken up the Billy Butlin challenge of John O'Groat's to Land's End
Barrie Walker (great name by the way haha) done the John O'Groat's to Land's End, 874 miles, carrying a door!
Parked out the back of the Land's End a Triumph ROCKET 3 GT - this absolute beast of a bike can reach 0-60mph in just 2.73 seconds and will set you back a cool £20,000!
Spotted along the coastal roads - the church of surfdome!
The sea mist in West Cornwall can provide some surreal photo opportunities