After finding out last minute the night before that there was going to be a train strike and my booked ticket for late afternoon was cancelled I booked the first train out of Le Havre in the morning so was up at 5.30am to catch the first train! here's how you hang the bike on most of the French suburban trains - mines in the middle!
Found a empty spot for my pannier bags - the advantages of catching the first train!
Arrival selfie at Dieppe railway station - tired but happy I managed to get here and dodge the train strike!
These TER regional/suburban French trains are the backbone of mobility for many French people
Railway strikers begining to form outside Dieppe's main railway station
Fishing boat hauled up with a powerful winch in Dieppe's dockyards
I love spotting water towers! and France has some of the best - this one right outside my hotel!
A silo can be seen in the distance as I ride through the Dieppe countryside
One of the beauty's of solo cycling - I can change course whenever I like and that's what I did here to get a closer view of this silo!
Looks like the farmer had a private party! found in the bushes of the mention silo!
I noticed a lot of small French towns have some sort of well-kept religious monument
I'm pretty certain there's a good story behind the these two portraits on the facade of this wonderful art deco building in Berneval-le-Grand, Dieppe
The beautiful town of Berneval-le-Grand (or 'Berneval' for short) and the cliff-lined coast of the English Channel in the distance
I had a small accident with my bike falling over and completely breaking my mudguard in two! luckily I had some duct tape with me for emergencies and managed to tape it together otherwise I would have had a bit of a job on my hands!
Information plaque on Camille Pissarro's painting of the view of the cliff-lined coast of the Berneval-le-Grand
The gorgeous view that was the subject of Camille Pissarro's painting in the previous photo
Memorial to the Dieppe Raid of August 1942, Berneval-le-Grand, Dieppe
Monument Naufrage Meknes (Memorial for the French passenger ship 'Meknes' torpedoed in 1940), Berneval-le-Grand, Dieppe
Information plaque for the Monument Naufrage Meknes
Information plaque for the Monument Naufrage Meknes and the crew who tragically lost their lives
Oscar Wilde stayed in a house at this point in Berneval in June 1897
Information plaque on Oscar Wilde's stay in Berneval
Although the house Oscar Wilde stayed in for a time in Berneval is no longer here this is the path he used to walk daily to the cliff's and the house was roughly where that tanned roof house is now
I did plan to stay at this campsite 'Camping Le Val Boise' in Berneval until I changed those plans to stay closer in Dieppe town centre but it does look nice!
Berneval-le-Grand or Berneval used to be the playground for the rich and famous back in the days and it still shows with pristine house such as this one - bet the occupants have a good view from that window!
The 'pristine' church in Petit-Caux, Dieppe
The fanciest street signs I've seen in a village!
Another spectacular house in the Petit-Caux commune of Dieppe - all that greenery!
Last spot & photo for the day and it's in a big plot of called Camp César in Petit-Caux - Dieppe is in the far distance and the English Channel, after this I head back to my hotel for my last nights stay and something to eat!
Up the Seine without a Paddle 4K (click on the picture to play)