Departing Interlaken and my initial idea was to visit Bern this day but I was looking online on the way there and I saw that Fribourg was reachable from Bern railway station and changed my plans to go there!
The Théâtre Equilibre (performing arts theatre) is the product of an architectural competition launched by the towns of Fribourg, Villars-sur-Glane, Granges-Paccot, Givisiez and Corminboeuf in July 2000 designed by the architect Jean-Pierre Dürig from Zurich
Walking down the Rue de Romont - Fribourg is a mostly French speaking city in Switzerland
Decorative light fitting which hangs on the side of a old building in Fribourg
This lovely old building is typical of the Fribourg Old City area, it's either used as a residential building or for offices in this day and age
Panoramic view of the valley floor in Fribourg, (known as the "Basse-Ville") the city itself is located on the Swiss plateau, and extends on both sides of the Valley of Sarine
The Old City, one of the best-maintained in Switzerland, sits on a small rocky hill (also known as the "Basse-Ville") above the Valley of the Sarine, the yellow building in the middle of this photo is the Service archéologique (Department of Archaeology)
The St-Nicolas Cathedral (Fribourg Cathedral) c.1283, this Gothic style church is 76 metres tall and houses 11 bells
The Basilique Notre-Dame de Fribourg a Catholic church constructed in the early 13th century
The Berne Bridge & Funiculaire, Fribourg in 4K (click on the picture to play)
Colourful fountain by the side of Zaehringen Bridge
View from the edge of Zaehringen Bridge looking out over the Valley of the Sarine
Photo plaque of Zaehringen Bridge c.1924 (named in reference to the Zähringen family who founded the city in 1157), the original bridge c.1834 was for 15 years the longest suspension bridge in the world!
This actual view was what inspired me to change my plans for the day and come here to Fribourg! the Pont de Berne (Berne Bridge) can be seen in the right of the photo whilst the Pont du Gottéron bridge is on the left in the background
The area around Pont de Berne (Berne Bridge) in the quaint Old City of Fribourg is truly spectacular!
The spires of Église St Maurice (St. Moritz-Kirche) as seen from Zaehringen Bridge
Fribourg Fortress - one of the fortified entrances to the lower city which dates back to around 1290
Panoramic view featuring Zaehringen Bridge, Fribourg Fortress and Pont de Berne (Berne Bridge) in the Valley of the Sarine
Pont de Berne (Berne Bridge) dates back to mid-13th century, and the one standing today at 1653, the central stone pillar and deck were replaced in 1853-54, and its roof in 1885
Out of the three bridges in Fribourg Old Town (Berne, Milieu and St-Jean) the Berne Bridge is the first built bridge of the city and is the last remaining covered bridge in Fribourg
Walking through the Old City of Fribourg after exiting through the Pont de Berne (Berne Bridge)
La porte-tour du Gottéron is part of the fortresses that go around the city of Fribourg
The Funicular of Fribourg opened in 1899 and is unusual in it's workings as it runs on a series of counterweights and waste water from the town - which does it explain the strange odour when you ride it and only adds to the uniqueness of it's existence!
Just outside the funicular upper station exit I spotted this sculpture of a crane taking flight