I arrived in Lausanne from Gruyere's in the early evening and took this picture of the sunset over the city and Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) with my mobile phone from the train window
This could almost be a old building out of the famous Haight Street in San Francisco! but no it's just around the corner of my hotel in Lausanne
A panoramic view of the 'Grand-Pont' in central Lausanne
The entrance facade to 'Palais de Rumine' a renaissance-style palace with several museums including fine art, zoology & archaeology collections.
Looking up at the Lausanne Cathedral which was constructed in 1275 and there's plenty of steps to get up there to it!
Decorated electrical boxes at the viewpoint in Lausanne Cathedral
The panoramic viewpoint from Lausanne Cathedral with the city and Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) in the distance
The clock above the Ouchy–Olympique metro building lit up at night
I took a train trip out to Grandvaux which is known for it's hilly vineyards and winding roads, it was actually raining in this picture as the weather in Lausanne was a bit all over the place but as the free tourist city train ticket went up to this point for free I couldn't resist a look!
Lausanne has some lovely old unique buildings dotted all around the Swiss French city like this one at the back of the main railway station
Great furry happy dog I spotted!
Some electrical box street art - can you see the eye and mouth in there?
This spot on Lake Geneva (Lac Léman) is called Pyramides de Vidy and holds very special memories for me from a time back in mid 1990's when I first visited Lausanne with some friends whilst travelling around Europe and coming to a open air party here at night!
I have same picture of this sculpture at Pyramides de Vidy taken back in the mid 1990's as mentioned in the previous photo - good to see it's still here!
And as mentioned in the last couple of photos I have happy memories of skating this ramp back in the mid 1990's whilst staying at Camping Vidy just around the corner from here, they've added a concrete bowl since then but good to see the vert ramp is still intact!