Huge fish mural I spotted on a building in St Malo's dock
Fruit & veg vending machine oulet - these are sadly replacing the 'honestly' box because of the lack off
Produce from local farmers awaits in vending machine boxes to be purchased for a fair price
Lovely turret style French house
I didn't plan on going to Mont Saint Michel originally because it appeared to far in the opposite direction from where I was heading but that's the beauty of having no fixed plan!
Passing through the quaint town of Cherrueix
The Moulin de la Saline, Cherrueix.
The Moulin de la Saline is a windmill that has been listed as a historic monument since 1977 - if you can read French then your in luck here!
A very smart looking costal house I spotted along the route to Mont Saint-Michel
The goal the distance! Mont Saint-Michel!
I saw just the right amount of cyclist's on my travels - not too many, not too few and all of them friendly!
Classic French house seen along the Manche Ille-Et-Vilaine
It's within grabbing distance! cycling along the Couesnon towards Mont Saint-Michel
Yours truly posing in front of Mont Saint-Michel on the Barrage du Mont Saint Michel
Ahh the goal - Mont Saint-Michel! made it! this is the view from the long entry bridge, Pont Passerelle, that makes the island Commune & Abbey accessible in high tide
Close up of the beautiful gothic architecture of Mont-Saint-Michel Abbey that was completed in 1523
The Mont Saint-Michel Commune & Abbey as seen from the seabed with the tide out
This is inside the commune of Mont Saint-Michel - a photo I got before I was told to leave because bikes were not allowed in there
It was quite along ride from Saint Malo to Mont Saint Michel, about 30 miles, and very hot, I take a pause on the journey back to reflect on the beautiful surroundings
Old barn spotted in the spacious fields of Ille-Et-Vlaine Manche
Chapelle sainte Anne, Ste Anne
After a very long day I decided to plot up for the night at a Camping Municipal called 'Des Ondes' in Pont Beniot.