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The following photos chronicle my nine day South Devon cycle touring trip in September 2018 which was a double-first for me as I’ve never taken my bicycle on a long trip with me before and I had also not been camping for many, many years, needless to say there was a lot of planning involved! From getting a proper lightweight suitable tent and sleeping bag to fixing up my old (but trusty) hybrid mountain bike to cope with carrying the weight of my camping gear whilst on the road and traversing the trains.
The journey started by taking a train from Surbiton to Totnes via Woking, which took about roughly 6 hours (including an hour’s delay at Exeter St. Davids), then it took a good couple of hours to ride from Totnes to Ashbourne Woods in the rain, the misty stuff which actually helped because of the crazy hills I was sweating like a pig! And once I arrived it was dark, raining and I had to set up my tent…
…and so the adventure begins…
In this set of photos I cycle from my campsite in Ashbourne Woods to the wonderful Totnes Museum