Map of West Wycombe and the Hell Fire Caves
The mock gothic church facade entrance to the caves
Crest above the entrance to the caves
Entering the Hell Fire Caves
Information sign about the Hell Fire Caves
Plan of the Hell Fire Caves
The Steward sits at the entrance and would pay the cave workers there wages
Members of the Hell Fire Club 1762
Going down into the depths of the cave
Ghosts in the caves - Paul Whitehead & The White Lady
Moving through the 'Whitehead' tunnel of the caves
Paul Whiteheads cave
The story of the poet Paul Whitehead and the Hell Fire caves
The heart of Paul Whitehead which was his wish to be put into a urn upon his death
The XXII tunnel part of the Hell Fire Caves
Entering Franklins cave
Sir Francis Dashwood & Benjamin Franklin in Franklins cave
Sir Francis Dashwood
Benjamin Franklin
Going deeper into the tunnel and on the way to the Banqueting Hall
One of the creepy carvings I spotted on the walls of the tunnels
The vast expanse of the Banqueting Hall where many a party was held
Information about the Hell Fire Caves Banqueting Hall
Cages in the Banqueting Hall where men & women had their private liaisons
Statue in one of the Banqueting Hall alcoves
Man & beast statue in one of the Banqueting Hall alcoves