My pitch for the night at Camping The Poplars, Tinteniac. Was so nice to have a swim in there pool after a long day's ride!
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Tinteniac
Statue sits peacefully in the garden of the Church of the Holy Trinity
After leaving the campsite in the morning I had a whole day's ride to get to Rennes, the amazing thing was it was 20 miles of tow path from Hede to St-Medard-sur-Ille - hardly a road in sight for the whole day and some beautiful locks!
Found a little bit of England on this boat! see next photo...
The Yellow Submarine - well, boat actually!
The flight of 11 canal locks in Hede
Every canal lock house along this route was so well maintained and scenic - it looked like they had just been built!
Passing through the town of Rappel along the V2 Green Way route and heading towards Saint-Medard-sur-IIIe
This picture 'does' say a thousand words! life on the road (or tow path in this case!)
Heard the SNCF coming in the distance and whipped out the camera!
This baguette was hand made in front of me in a type of newsagents that didn't have much on the shelves, after taking shade in a bus shelter from the middays heat, it was most enjoyable!
I've arrived in Rennes! this bridge I went under just outside of the city had some good graffiti so the next couple of photos are of that!
Panorama of said bridge
Robot with a real brain???
The eyes...
Bone shaker party!
I think this is a water tower??? as you can see I'm very excited to see it!!! :)
Another shot of that huge water tower (without me in it!) - what a beautiful structure indeed!
There she is in full glory! I love this type of architecture!